150 000 руб
Yesen Yedilkhanovich
36 лет (13 Ноября 1988)
Возможен переезд в другой город
Полная занятость
7 лет
Добыча сырья / Энергетика / ТЭК
▪ support Valanginian study project by loading data in petrel project
▪ participating in a development program “Dunga Phase II”, where has been drilled
about 200 wells
▪ evaluating offset data before the start of drilling
▪ analyzing, evaluating and describing formations while drilling, using cuttings, gas,
wireline data.
▪ comparing data gathered during drilling with predictions
▪ advising on drilling hazards and drilling bit optimization
▪ taking full responsibility for making decisions about suspending or continuing
▪ drilling
▪ advising operations personnel on-site and in the operations office
▪ acting, in effect, as the representative of the oil company geology team
▪ supervising mud-logging and wireline services personnel and monitoring quality
control in relation to these services
▪ keeping detailed records, writing reports, completing daily, weekly and post-well
reporting logs and sending these to appropriate
▪ communicating regularly with operations offices.
Добыча сырья / Энергетика / ТЭК
▪ estimation of the oil and gas reserves, development of the project documents,
testing and supervision over the implementation of project documents, the
preparation of projects of allotment, exploratory and well construction
▪ professional development by studying the database and documents in hard copy
▪ collection, processing of primary materials
▪ input to the PC of the field geological documents
▪ development of simple projects & diagrams, implementation of the specifications,
diagrams, tables, charts and other technical documentation, execution of technical
▪ modeling of: structural maps, charts correlation, schemes studies
of water – oil layers and geological profiles
Добыча сырья / Энергетика / ТЭК
▪ selection of the formulation of drilling fluids and fluids with special regard to the
requirements of geological and technical outfit
▪ make changes to the technical documentation for the
changing technology of the preparation & processing of drilling solutions & special
▪ control measurements of the parameters of drilling fluids and special
liquids and sets the terms of their conduct in accordance with the
geological and technical conditions of well.
▪ monitoring of the condition and quality of drilling solutions and special fluids during
drilling ensures proper and timely processing of drilling solutions & special fluids during drilling.
▪ develop and implement measures to improve food processing and weighting
▪ analyze the flow weighting and chemicals by intervals of drilling monitoring the
status of instrumentation and purification devices on the rig.
Добыча сырья / Энергетика / ТЭК
▪ professional development by studying the database and documents in hard copy
▪ collection, processing of primary materials
▪ input to the PC the field geological documents
▪ modeling of: structural maps, charts correlation, schemes studies
of water – oil layers and geological profiles
▪ participation in the development of simple projects, simple diagrams, implementation
of the specifications, diagrams, tables, charts and other technical documentation, execution of simple technical calculations
▪ participation in the work of estimation of the oil and gas reserves, development of
project documents, testing and supervision over the implementation of project documents, participation in the preparation of projects of allotment, exploratory and well construction
Добыча сырья / Энергетика / ТЭК
▪ professional development by studying the database and documents in hard copy
▪ collection, processing of primary materials
▪ input to the PC of the field geological documents
▪ participation in the development of simple projects, simple diagrams, implementation
of the specifications, diagrams, tables, charts and other technical documentation, execution of simple technical calculations
▪ participation in the work of estimation of the oil and gas reserves, development of
the project documents, testing and supervision over the implementation of project documents, participation in the preparation of projects of allotment, exploratory and well construction
Охрана / Безопасность
▪ preparing and maintaining data backups, periodic inspection and disposal
▪ installing and configuring the required updates to the operating system and
programs used
▪ responsibility for the informational security of the company
▪ planning and carrying out works to expand the network structure of the enterprise
▪ administration of local area networks
Высшее (Бакалавр)
Актау, 2010 — 2013 гг.
Высшее (Бакалавр)
Актау, 2005 — 2009 гг.
19 октября, 2016
Актау local_shipping
38 лет ( 8 апреля 1986)
Опыт работы:
17 лет
Последнее место работы:
Оператор СКЦ, инженер-технолог по цементированию, ТОО "Юго-Восточная сервисная группа"
01.2008 - по текущее время
18 сентября, 2023
300 000 руб
Арман Аманкелдиулы
Актау local_shipping
23 года (18 июля 2001)
Опыт работы:
2 года и 2 месяца
Последнее место работы:
Инспектор пробоотборщик, СЖС ЛТД КАЗАХСТАН
03.2023 - по текущее время
15 марта, 2017
80 000 руб
Резюме размещено в отрасли